The design or manufacture of a stand has many practical and technical aspects to consider. In outdoor stands or also called outdoor stands, we must take into account some additional details such as the weather, the location and the safety regulations.
The weather will force to adopt measures that guarantee the security and tightness of the stand. For example, platforms for better anchoring in case of wind, rain gutter ceilings, micro-perforated graphics to avoid sail effect, protected e...
LEER MÁSHere we collect some of the most important free image banks with royalty-free vectors and photos. If you don't have design knowledge, just download or buy images that have .png or .jpg files and in various sizes (128px, 256px, 512px, etc.). The bigger the size, the better the resolution, although the ideal is always for the file to be a vector format, that is, images made up of vectors that allow the image to be enlarged without losing quality in the resolution. The main vector formats are th...